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Wednesday 19 August 2015

Discover How To Recruit Professionally In MLM

5 Major Sure-fire Ways  To Recruit More!

MLM Recruiting Secrets #1: Be Professional

This may be a “duh” moment for you. But I want to define what it means to be  professional. Knowing how to present yourself properly is a first step. Without  this, you can defeat every purpose of all the other tips.
First off, always dress like you are already big. Never show up to a meeting or to recruit someone wearing clothes like you don’t care. You must be clean and looking sharp. If you can’t care about your appearance, why would someone think you care about your business?
Also being professional is having great posture. Posture can really be a turn on to someone watching you present your opportunity. It makes you look as a leader. As someone who can help them get to the next level. This is all about being professional.

MLM Recruiting Secrets #2: Cold Market Recruiting

We are always told when we join MLM companies and teams, to go tell everyone you know. There is nothing wrong with this at all. Some have done well this way. But most people will quit because of the rejection they will get from those they know. They realize quickly that the ones they have known their whole life aren’t as supportive of this new idea or excited about it as they were. So you need to be ready to approach cold market as soon as possible.
By working with people you don’t know, it makes it much easier to be professional in their eyes. If you have good posture, they will assume you’ve done this for a while and are successful already. Much different than the warm market. So you need to learn how to make as many leads as you can, and be prepared to talk to strangers.

MLM Recruiting Secrets #3: Create Your Own Leads

Leads are the life blood of the MLM business. You must have new people at all times to speak to. But at first you may find yourself having to buy leads once your warm market has met it’s end. There is nothing wrong with buying leads, but you will find yourself talking to many people who waste time and a lot of money getting wasted. So creating leads as quick as you can will make you much more profits. Use those 10 ways to the best of your ability and do not be afraid to contact them. This fits in with the #2 MLM recruiting secrets of cold market. There are many free ways to find new leads, and paid ways that will make each lead a little less than what you will buy them for. Just know that the more targeted your lead is, or the more qualified the leads are, the higher the result. You need to spend time talking with people who are more serious, and less with those that are just wanting free stuff.

MLM Recruiting Secrets #4: Paper Application

This MLM Recruiting Secrets works with any company that offers a binary payment plan in any of it’s compensations. This is simply where you keep a list of all people who said they are interested, but not now or they haven’t committed yet.
When you do hit your mark, and get someone interested and ready to sign up, you simply take their information down on paper instead of applying it into the website. This way you can simply call the ones who are in Limbo and tell them something like this: “Mary decided to get started today, but since I spoke with you first, I wanted to give you the chance to get in before Mary so she will be on your team”
This gives a reason to get started just a little more. And you don’t have to stop at just one. This goes on until you got a decision from everyone possible. If it works correctly, you will be spending a lot of time putting people’s info into your back office. But it’s well worth it!

MLM Recruiting Secrets #5: Use The Right Tools

Yes. Using the correct tools can be the way to find leads, recruit more, and build your online presence. I can share some of the easiest tools to use, and the ones to get a start in now.
MLM recruiting secrets tips
First use what I call the Facebook of MLM, or IBOToolbox. This website is a great, and free, way to network, learn, and get yourself free advertising. It has a numerous amount of new traffic daily, and this traffic is mostly non-members. So this should be used immediately.
Tools can help you reach maximum levels with whatever angle you are trying to take. The website above is a great tool and offers many great tools such, even a way to have a capture page, and get blogs ranked. This is big for the beginner or the professional.

You may also need to consider an Auto-Respondor. This is so you can begin building a list of email addresses for both recruiting leads, and customers, and have them stored in a place that can get through spam filters, and it’s a one email to send to all! Saves a lot of time, plus you can personalize it. Write one email, hit send, everyone knows your offer or invite. The best AR to use is AWeber. Try it for just $1 and see for yourself. CLICK HERE to start your AR.

Having the correct tools will be like setting yourself up to win. All professional use ARs and as many websites as possible to generate new leads. But my most highly recommended site to use, is the MLSP Academy. Use MLSP Academy to learn everything you need to know about MLM, marketing, affiliate marketing, and much more. This course and program helped me go from under $400 a month in earnings to replacing 3 part time jobs in just 3 months. This is a tool for those who are dead serious about becoming a professional marketer. CLICK HERE to learn more.

I hope this has helped you gain more knowledge towards what it is you must do to begin recruiting more reps, and building a giant MLM business. The MLM Recruiting Secrets I share above are the ones I used and it has changed everything. It will take time to build momentum, but if you use the secrets, and the tools I listed, you will find yourself getting there soon enough.

Please feel free to comment and share. Be sure to sign up for the next live training I have and be sure to subscribe to my blog so you can keep up with daily new info on building your MLM business.

About Publisher

Prince Bennie
Tel: +2347039537576
Skype ID: majestyben1


Thursday 13 August 2015

MLM Tip #5 – Sample Your Way to Success

Everyone knows the one of best marketing tactics has been to give away a free product sample. In many cases sampling is one of the least expensive ways of acquiring new customers for your health and wellness MLM business.
When you give away a sample you are eligible to deduct 100% of the cost of that sample as long as you document it properly. Taxbot is perfect for this!
TaxBotBtw, at EPXbody they have a Social Sampling program on which you can not only earn commissions on samples purchased by your downline, but purchasing them yourself also qualifies you for the residuals, meaning not having to pay for both a product autoship and then marketing costs on top,  you are just buying samples to promote your business and qualify in the pay plan too. Pretty neat considering you can claim product samples as a tax deductible. Too bad the social sampling scheme is an option only shipping within the U.S. market.
Watch the fifth video in our short MLM Tips series on how Taxbot app and tools can save your home-based MLM business thousands annually on product samples you buy to promote your mlm business.

About Publisher

Prince Bennie
Tel: +2347039537576
Skype ID: majestyben1


If You're A Network Marketer (Anywhere In The World) . . . And You Can't Boost Of At least $100,000 Monthly From Your MLM Business, Then You're Sick And You Need A Doctor Real Fast!

How To Magnetically Attract A Flood Of Fresh, Qualified And Highly-Interested Prospects In Your Network Marketing Business - Anytime You Want!

Dear Frustrated Networker,

          My name is Prince Bennie, and I'm a network marketer like you, except for the fact that I'm not frustrated like you. 

          I use to be frustrated many years ago when I just joined the MLM industry with  no  solid or rooted background in network marketing,  no training, no experience whatsoever. Then, I thought that mlm business was like a stroll in the park! Those frustrating years when I ignorantly belief I knew all about marketing and all the online strategies to become an mlm superstar in the shortest time possible. 

       But guess what? I failed woefully! I could not even break even, because all the self-created marketing approaches I was using, which in my own idiotic creative wood were the best . . . . were nothing but total bullshit.

        About two years later, I began to get good result in my MLM business and start earning good fungalos . What did I do? Good you asked. Very simple - I changed my approach. I was made to understand that only a fool do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. However, the first thing I changed was myself. I made a new decision to learn what's working. I decided to learn exactly how to do the business right. You can't know what you don't know, and there are basically three ways to make money from any business: 1. Learn it 2. Do it and 3. Sell it. This is very true even in the network marketing business. 

     You see, I came to realized that simplest ideas are the best idea. The world itself is a complex mass, why further complicate it. I decided to learn the basic of network marketing, the proven, tested fundamental that has been repeatedly validated by mlm super stars of today's world.

     You see, I have no idea how you got to my blog. Maybe you read about it in some publication.  Maybe a friend referred you to it.  Perhaps you stumbled onto it by pure dumb luck. But, however you got here, you have arrived at what is, without question, the most valuable website on the entire Internet if you truly desire to learn, from scratch the business of network marketing professionally from someone who he's doing the business!

      Here's why: Back in September of 2005, I began publishing a state-of-the-art MLM newsletter cleverly called The Prince Bennie MLM Letter.  It's a newsletter that teach newbees, beginners and frustrated network marketers how to become MLM super stars, and acquire all the technical and professional skills they need to become their own Messiah in mlm business and literally write their own check, making as much money as their little greedy heart can desire! 

     The subscription price was $300.00 per year and, with very little promotion, I soon had readers in more than 50 countries.  Then, I started offering a Lifetime Subscription for $5000.00!

       And, guess what?  It wasn't long until nearly all my subscribers were Lifetime Subscribers!

      Since I began writing this newsletter, I have received thousands upon thousands of letters from people telling me how my MLM newsletters have helped them make millions (sometimes tens of millions) of dollars, saved their health (and, in some cases, literally saved their lives), kept their marriages intact... and... in various other ways... improved their lives immensely.

   So, I got to thinking, "Well, hell... if what I write helps people this much, it should be available to everyone... even if... they can't afford to subscribe to my newsletter."  Therefore, I've put all my newsletters (with some very sparse editing) right here on this website... for... everyone in the world... to read...

Absolutely Free!

 Why am I doing this free?

      If I help you thrive and survive; if I give you the advice that helps you dominate your market; if I help you to create meaningful wealth and financial security, the odds are good that you'll patronize businesses I have an equity stake in, as a means of giving back. You'll probably avail yourself of the programs and services of other web sites I collaborate.with. And, as I turn more of my time and attention to equity investments, venture capital, and mergers and acquisitions, you may decide to bring your company to my attention first. After all, you'll already know that my ideas will work for you.


So, if you truly want to be earning 7-figure income in your mlm business, then stick to my blog. I post new mlm news letter here regularly. I am excited about your decision and commitment to learn something new that can enhance the quality of your life. I'm full of anticipation of the phenomenal success you will achieve via the incredible MLM articles on this blog, like many have done. Please, get in touch and tell me what you think about these articles. Much more than that, I will be expecting your testimonies also on the impact of this articles on your financial status and life. 

If you have any question or concerns, do not hesitate to mail me at!

You can further reach me through any of my contacts below:

Prince Bennie
Tel: +2347039537576
Skype ID: majestyben1
